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Who is the main character of "Aladdin"?
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[quote="AladdinsGenie"]I wasn't sure whether to put this under here or fanfiction, but whatever works! [img][/img] Welcome to Ask An Aladdin Fan! This is the segment where we break the movie [i]Aladdin[/i] down into pieces and you get to ask any questions, no matter how dumb, err, small, to me-an Aladdin fan! I've got some of my helper's today to help with asking the questions. Let's give a big Salaam to Rumor Kid, Plot Kid, and Random Trivia Kid! Let's begin! The questions this time around come from the Opening Scene/ "Arabian Nights", "It Begins On A Dark Night", and Aladdin on the run/ "One Jump Ahead". [b]Opening Scene/ "Arabian Nights"[/b] Random Trivia Kid: Hey, my soundtrack has a different line than the movie version in the song "Arabian Nights". Was something changed? Me: Yes, there was a changed lyric. Some Arabs groups found the line "Where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face" to be offensive, so it was changed to "where it's flat and immense and the heat is intense". However, there are some soundtracks out there with the cut line still on them. Plot Kid: Why don't we see the narrator again in the movie? Me: Well, the narrator, voiced by Robin Williams, is not in the actual story of [i]Aladdin[/i]. He is telling the story, which has already happened. He later shows up in the second sequel to [i]Aladdin, Aladdin and the King of Thieves,[/i] to sing the reprise to "Arabian Nights" and finish out the "story" so to speak. Nice touch, eh? Random Trivia Kid: What's this I hear about the narrator is Genie? Me: Originally, there was a gag that at the end of [i]Aladdin[/i] where the narrator would come back and show the audience that he was really Genie and he was the one telling the story. But, after some screen tests showed that the audience was leaving before they got to reveal that it was Genie, it was cut and changed to the "made you look" segment. So the narrator is Genie, but not really Rumor Kid: I don't believe you. I want some proof! [img][/img] Me: Proof? Just look at him! He has Genie's eyebrows and beard. He's even got the whole "light blue, red belt" coloring going on. And if you pay close attention, he has four fingers just like Genie. Everyone else in the film has five. Coincidence? I think not. [b]It Begins On A Dark Night:[/b] Rumor Kid: Ok! Ok! My turn! I heard Jafar is GAY!!! Don't deny it!!! [img][/img] Me:...and I heard your mother is a ugly howling banshee. No, he is not gay. Rumor Kid: Well, I still say it's true! Me: And I still say your mother is a banshee. I can see you are going to get on my nerves already.... Plot Kid: What happened to that thief Cassim when he wasn't the one who can enter the Cave of Wonders? Me: Well, Plot Kid.....he died. And the name of the thief Jafar sends into the Cave of Wonders is Gazeem, not Cassim. Cassim is the name of Aladdin's father in [i]Aladdin and the King of Thieves[/i]. Also, it was the name of one of Aladdin's friends in early versions of the script along with Babkak and Omar. The only difference is it was spelled with a 'K' instead of a 'C'. They even sung a song called "Omar, Babkak, Aladdin, Kassim". Pretty fricken' original, huh? Random Trivia Kid: Ok, I've got a couple of questions. What kind of accent does Jafar have? It's not Arab... Me: I'm glad you said it wasn't Arab because then I'd have to hurt you. We'll discuss why later on. It's English. He and the sultan both have it. Random Trivia Kid: What's that thing Jafar has in his hand? -It's called a scarab. Pretty, huh? Random Trivia Kid: And what's this "diamond in the rough" business? -A diamond's worth is deep inside the carbon made stone, just as someone whose worth lies far within themselves. Aladdin was a criminal and a "street rat", but deep inside he was kind and helped those even more less fortunate than he was. There's a lot of theories to what exactly "Diamond in the Rough" means out there. It depends on how you take it. [b]Aladdin On The Run/ "One Jump Ahead"[/b] Rumor Kid: Ok, ok! Bet you didn't know Aladdin has Tom Cruise's body! Me: No, I didn't. You know why? Because he doesn't. Contrary to popular belief, Aladdin does not have actor Tom Cruise's body. It is Aladdin's basic facial features that are based off him. Aladdin's supervising animator, Glen Keane, studied volleyball players to get Aladdin's youthful, yet athletic body. [img][/img] And for that I thank him. Random Trivia Kid: I've got some more questions Me: And I've got some more answers! Random Trivia Kid: What's this stuff I hear about Aladdin having a connection with M.C. Hammer and Micheal J. Fox? Me: Aladdin's pants are a style that is worn in Thailand, but is said to be that of 90's rapper M.C. Hammer's pants. His personality is a mix of Michael J. Fox's boyish charms and the confidence Tom Cruise's character had in the movie [i]Top Gun[/i]. Random Trivia Kid: Man, I feel like I've heard Aladdin's voice somewhere else. Was he in another Disney movie or something? Me: You probably watched [i]Full House[/i] a lot. If you did, you have heard his voice before. DJ's boyfriend, Steve Hale (Seasons 5-7), is also Aladdin. Scott Weinger is his real name. Random Trivia Kid: Wait a soundtrack has a different line during "One Jump Ahead". Why does it say "Outrage!" on the soundtrack and "Abu!" in the movie? Me: My guess would be the "Abu!" part was something they changed later on because it went with the scene better than just some random people singing with no main characters on the screen. Plot Kid: Ok, I have a couple of questions too. What the name of that suitor who is coming to court Jasmine again? Me: His name would be Prince Achmed. Not Ahmed or Hamed. Ahmed is the name of the prince in an Aladdin television episode called "Do the Rat Thing", and Hamed is the name of Jasmine's distant relative who founded Agrabah, who is mentioned in the series as well in an episode called "Lost and Founded." Plot Kid: I don't get that whole "It's not every day you see a horse with two rear ends" thing. Me: Well, the more vulgar name for a rear end is a**. So he is basically saying I see two a**es. The horses' and the guy riding the horse. But in short, he just told the guy he's an a** or a**hole. Plot Kid: Why is it dark by the time Aladdin gets to his house? Me: Because Aladdin lives waaaaaay on the other side of the city, so it would take him a little while to get home. Plot Kid: What's the monkey's name again? Habu? [img][/img] Me:....I can see we are going to be here a while. It's Abu. Not Habu, Uhboo or Aboo. Me: Is it time for a coffee break? ...Thank God. Come back here soon for more answers to your questions and see just how long I can hold my sanity in tact! Feel free to discuss anything! :D[/quote]
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Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:17 pm
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True. Hmmm...we could start asking around. A lot of ignorant people about Aladdin out there.
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:10 pm
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Nooooo, I'm saying there isn't a lot of stupidity as in stupid questions and rumors for the other two movies and series like there is for the first one
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:52 pm
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You're saying my favorite movie is full of stupidity!!!
That's a great idea. Maybe some people here could submit some questions as the Trivia Kid, etc? Like...oh, great, I forgot a good one my brother asked me once.
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:45 pm
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Well, there isn't as much stupidity for the other things, but maybe they can all be combined?
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:43 pm
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So funny. Is this just for the first movie? I hope not. Looking forward to the questions about RoJ and KoT. Maybe even a couple of episodes. The funnier ones.
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:58 pm
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You'll get the damn update when I feel like it!
Ok, so I forgot after I took exams to do this. I'm not even sure if I have the rest of what I was going to say/the pictures on my other computer. This *was* a year ago
. I'll have to look tomorrow, but don't expect anything any time soon
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:19 pm
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*raises this thread back from the dead*
Hey Shiera when are we going to get the damn update! I've been sitting here for the last ten thousand years 22 hours and 53 seconds. *gasp* I've missed the fanale of dancing with the stars!!
Really, you promised us rumor kid and he's appearing right by the balcony scene! C'mon lets get with the program here woman! Chop Chop!
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:23 pm
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AladdinsGenie wrote:
Hey guys, I split the topic so all this randomness can go to the misc. board. Go chat away there
Thank you.
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 1:22 pm
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Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 1:22 pm
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Hey guys, I split the topic so all this randomness can go to the misc. board. Go chat away there
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 1:20 pm
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Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 1:19 pm
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Marcos: *jumps in, bearing a chainsaw*
MARCOS! YOU were the chainsaw murderer hacking out all the stillborn children?!?! HOW COULD YOU?!?! YOU LOVED ME!!!
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:13 am
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I can see it, heh heh.
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:58 pm
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Meesh wrote:
What's S.O.L.?
Sh*t Out of Luck
And thanks for the cookie
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:58 pm
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I personally like
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