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[quote="AmethystFae"][quote="Lord Mozenrath"][quote="Dragonessa"]:lol: That you do. I love Scirocco - he's so pretty and I agree with Naomi about the cuteness. :lol: So Wind Jackals it is.[/quote] Scirocco is definatly powerful too. More powerful than Hades' dog Cerberus. And for some of you that noticed in the above poll, I forgot to add "The Book of Khartoum" there. Sorry for the mistake, because I forgot to press the Update button for that. :lol:[/quote] And here I thought that was deliberate. Though the episode's end allows fans to use their imaginations as to what happened next. ~Hikaru[/quote]
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Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:18 pm
Post subject:
I love The Secret of Dagger Rock
Lord Mozenrath
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:03 pm
Post subject:
PrincessHikaru wrote:
Lord Mozenrath wrote:
PrincessHikaru wrote:
Lord Mozenrath wrote:
Dragonessa wrote:
That you do.
I love Scirocco - he's so pretty and I agree with Naomi about the cuteness.
So Wind Jackals it is.
Scirocco is definatly powerful too. More powerful than Hades' dog Cerberus.
And for some of you that noticed in the above poll, I forgot to add "The Book of Khartoum" there. Sorry for the mistake, because I forgot to press the Update button for that.
And here I thought that was deliberate.
Though the episode's end allows fans to use their imaginations as to what happened next.
Indeed so. But that was one of the times when the viewers feel "sorry" for me.
Yes, but I didn't 'feel sorry' for you in the way I feel sorry for some others. There are people I feel sorry for, and it should be a slap in the face for them, but for you, it was more...well, I saw that there was more to you than you usually allow others to know. In my mind, that's not feeling sorry for a person, but to a person who uses more generalized terms, I guess I did.
Am I confusing you yet?
Nope, I understand what you mean.
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:38 pm
Post subject:
Lord Mozenrath wrote:
PrincessHikaru wrote:
Lord Mozenrath wrote:
Dragonessa wrote:
That you do.
I love Scirocco - he's so pretty and I agree with Naomi about the cuteness.
So Wind Jackals it is.
Scirocco is definatly powerful too. More powerful than Hades' dog Cerberus.
And for some of you that noticed in the above poll, I forgot to add "The Book of Khartoum" there. Sorry for the mistake, because I forgot to press the Update button for that.
And here I thought that was deliberate.
Though the episode's end allows fans to use their imaginations as to what happened next.
Indeed so. But that was one of the times when the viewers feel "sorry" for me.
Yes, but I didn't 'feel sorry' for you in the way I feel sorry for some others. There are people I feel sorry for, and it should be a slap in the face for them, but for you, it was more...well, I saw that there was more to you than you usually allow others to know. In my mind, that's not feeling sorry for a person, but to a person who uses more generalized terms, I guess I did.
Am I confusing you yet?
Lord Mozenrath
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:26 pm
Post subject:
PrincessHikaru wrote:
Lord Mozenrath wrote:
Dragonessa wrote:
That you do.
I love Scirocco - he's so pretty and I agree with Naomi about the cuteness.
So Wind Jackals it is.
Scirocco is definatly powerful too. More powerful than Hades' dog Cerberus.
And for some of you that noticed in the above poll, I forgot to add "The Book of Khartoum" there. Sorry for the mistake, because I forgot to press the Update button for that.
And here I thought that was deliberate.
Though the episode's end allows fans to use their imaginations as to what happened next.
Indeed so. But that was one of the times when the viewers feel "sorry" for me.
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:54 am
Post subject:
Lord Mozenrath wrote:
Dragonessa wrote:
That you do.
I love Scirocco - he's so pretty and I agree with Naomi about the cuteness.
So Wind Jackals it is.
Scirocco is definatly powerful too. More powerful than Hades' dog Cerberus.
And for some of you that noticed in the above poll, I forgot to add "The Book of Khartoum" there. Sorry for the mistake, because I forgot to press the Update button for that.
And here I thought that was deliberate.
Though the episode's end allows fans to use their imaginations as to what happened next.
Lord Mozenrath
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:28 am
Post subject:
AladdinsGenie wrote:
Lord Mozenrath wrote:
And for some of you that noticed in the above poll, I forgot to add "The Book of Khartoum" there. Sorry for the mistake, because I forgot to press the Update button for that.
Thanks, sweetie (ah, now I feel awkward again for complimenting girls like that, but what can I say, I treat ladies nicely
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:26 am
Post subject:
Lord Mozenrath wrote:
And for some of you that noticed in the above poll, I forgot to add "The Book of Khartoum" there. Sorry for the mistake, because I forgot to press the Update button for that.
Lord Mozenrath
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:26 am
Post subject:
VampireNaomi wrote:
About Scirocco, wasn't there a fanfic about him rounding up some of his buddies and coming back to Mozenrath for revenge? And at one point Mozenrath had to turn into a Wind Jackal himself? I've been trying to find it again, but the success rate is pretty low.
Hmm, I think it's in Silvestris' website.
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:16 am
Post subject:
About Scirocco, wasn't there a fanfic about him rounding up some of his buddies and coming back to Mozenrath for revenge? And at one point Mozenrath had to turn into a Wind Jackal himself? I've been trying to find it again, but the success rate is pretty low.
Lord Mozenrath
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:10 am
Post subject:
Dragonessa wrote:
That you do.
I love Scirocco - he's so pretty and I agree with Naomi about the cuteness.
So Wind Jackals it is.
Scirocco is definatly powerful too. More powerful than Hades' dog Cerberus.
And for some of you that noticed in the above poll, I forgot to add "The Book of Khartoum" there. Sorry for the mistake, because I forgot to press the Update button for that.
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:25 am
Post subject:
That you do.
I love Scirocco - he's so pretty and I agree with Naomi about the cuteness.
So Wind Jackals it is.
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:42 am
Post subject:
Two to Tangle - I have a thing for brain switches.
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:29 am
Post subject:
AladdinsGenie wrote:
So you can command him to destroy stuff?
I can so see me doing that!
Now I really, really want to get a new kitty! Besides, Scirocco is so fun to yell!
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:17 am
Post subject:
So you can command him to destroy stuff?
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:44 am
Post subject:
VampireNaomi wrote:
I chose Wind Jackals. I haven't even seen all of your eps and, aside from The Citadel, that is the one I remember the best. The jackal was really cute.
Cute? That's a new one. lol
Maybe I'll name the next kitty I get Scirocco. lol
Ooh! Noww I want a new kitty!
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