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[quote="AladdinsGenie"][quote="Meesh"] [quote="AladdinsGenie"]So here's something I don't understand - if these ambassadors want their money and they're in Agrabah, why not just take a chest with them when they go back home?[/quote] I just figured that the marauders would attack them on their way home. [/quote] Right, so why are they on Agrabah's case about it? It's like "I don't care if you have to wage war with the marauders, we want our money!!" Okay, then take it home with you if you feel like you can do better. The goal was to get them their money and they're here now, so just take it and be gone. They just didn't want to take responsibility if it gets stolen again cause then it wouldn't be Agrabah's problem since they would have technically settled their debt when they accepted the payment. [quote] [quote="AladdinsGenie"]I like how the ambassadors are taking Rasoul at his word that he heard Aladdin defect, but Aladdin needs "credible witnesses" and a corroborated story to prove he's working undercover[/quote] Classism. Do the neighboring lands not know who he is yet?[/quote] There's a loooooot of classism in the series, especially towards Aladdin and he just deals with it cause it makes this transition easier :? [quote]Is this the same Zorasto from Sands of Fate?[/quote] You know, I never thought of this but maybe? His face is covered in Sands of Fate, but if it is him he put on a lot of muscle :lol: [quote]Which Riders of Ramond ep are we saying comes first?[/quote] I use to think this one cause Aladdin seems *_* about the riders being there, but after rewatching Sands of Fate I noticed Aladdin doesn't recognize them at all. He calls them "three horsemen" as if they were just some guys who needed help in the desert and Fasir has to tell him who they are. [quote]The whole exchange where Jasmine goes to rescue Aladdin while also being annoyed at men. <3[/quote] Aladdin: *rambles profusely* Jasmine: shhh stop talking <3 This is absolutely not a plot they'd do today for sure, or at least not this blatant with the sexism she'd face and ways it would surface outside of her speaking up. Even the live action movie only managed to brushed on this.[/quote]
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Spartan Girl
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:10 am
Post subject:
Definitely. I wish they had a quick cutaway to check with with her, Carpet, and Abu worrying over him instead of just have the whole episode be Nefir/Genie/Iago hijinks.
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:31 pm
Post subject:
She should have played with his hair more tbh
Spartan Girl
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:37 am
Post subject:
Hey guys! Been a while I know!
I read through this thread and the commentary on each episode was great. Especially got a kick out of the Every Excuse to Touch tally for each episode.
HOWEVER you guys missed one: it’s tiny, but in Mission impossible-Impossible when Jasmine bends over to brush Aladdin’s hair out of his face while he’s sleeping. I know there isn’t a screenshot for that but it’s cute and it counts!
Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 2:37 pm
Post subject:
Re: More Than a Peacock Princess
AladdinsGenie wrote:
Captain of the Guards - did we fire Rasoul or did he finally quit?
Maybe he's in time out for... y'know laughing while attempting and covering up the murder of a royal guest and gleefully working for a tyrant who successfully overthrew and humiliated the royal family?
AladdinsGenie wrote:
I thought Abu went with Aladdin. I was confused when he showed up just now.
Yes I'd like to know what Genie and Aladdin are doing that Aladdin decided not to bring Abu!
I actually have never seen this, so yay first time watch!
Maybe one day I’ll watch the Aurora one…
Who is the narrator? Do I have to watch the Aurora one to find out?
Jasmine starts telling the story then is like "Why don’t I just show you?" Like… How do you plan on doing that
Hey look the horses from AWNW
RAJAH <333
Look at her having duties and stuff. They're not super meaningful, but it's better than literally not being allowed to leave the palace.
Music isn’t bad
Jasmine doesn’t like the peacock aesthetic? Yikes @ Disney selling her in all those peacock outfits then... ?
Wait, she can name all 40 thieves? So is this after KoT? Then why is Iago here?
Lea Salonga doesn’t sound like Jasmine anymore.
She getting raised up on those peacock wings like Simba in I Just Can’t Wait to be King
Aw Sultan kept his wife’s horse.
Crazy Gazim now? Wasn't it Crazy Hakim in 1992? So is it a knock-off, or under new management?
Omg confirmed. Sultan loves his wife.
Omg with this classroom scene... PTSD from student teaching hitting me up
Jasmine taking a bath with her crown, jewelry, hair, and makeup all still styled.
Hakim is like, "If I lose this job, my family will go hungry." Like... His family only survives because of child labor?
Omg Sultan visits Sahara EVERY DAY to bring him an apple!!!
This interrogation sequence with Iago is cute.
Okay I think I’m officially getting early series vibes because Iago doesn’t understand Abu. Also Jasmine wanting to do something meaningful but isn't allowed to, which is pretty early series.
Omg why did it take so long to guess that Abu is saying "FIGS" when this whole thing started with FIGS!!
Is Abu refusing to go flying because he "hates flying and is afraid of heights?" More early series!
Who is on board to ship Sultan and Aneesa?
Okay I’m a little bit bored, and I’m trying to decide if it’s because the risk isn’t really that bad or if it’s because there’s no Aladdin. I always bitch when there’s Aladdin without Jasmine, so I wonder if their dynamic specifically is what I enjoy.
It’s occurring to me that, since Sahara hasn’t let anybody ride him since Jasmine’s mother died, he hasn't been getting exercise for what I'm assuming is years? Maybe it’s more humane to let him go free tbh. A band of wild horses happily rode by like 5 minutes ago
The sun is setting, and the Sultan still hasn't been to Shara? Aneesa must be VERY good with her hands...
Here I am getting choked up at Sultan getting choked up.
"You just have to be strong and never give up"… and be really great at horse wrangling.
I'm going with very early series on this one. Juuuuust far enough that Jasmine and Iago are gal-pals and that Jasmine is comfortably allowed out. But early enough that she hasn't apparently done anything all that action-packed herself. Also Iago not understanding Abu is early. That 40 thieves line must just prove their infamy pre-KoT. Maybe it's even pre-Cassim joining them?
Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 6:38 pm
Post subject:
I always thought this was a weird episode to end the series on, but the line "welcome to Agrabah" seems fitting for a last line, though.
Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 1:19 am
Post subject:
Re: The Great Rift
AladdinsGenie wrote:
a mood
AladdinsGenie wrote:
Nice to see the Ends of the Earth have defrosted
Global warming!!
Isn't this the one where the stones are people and you think the queen is a good guy but she’s actually bad ?
POST-WATCH EDIT: I got this backwards apparently
I'm getting early Aladdin out of this... He's smug about this expedition as if it were one of the first
That must have been some sandstorm! Geez.
Hey, what's that hawk doing out in the middle of nowhere land? I hope he's not hungry for parrot! Follow me, Abu. I smell riches.
There was literally NO transition between those two thoughts. Also, that's like Iago described in 5 seconds.
Literally all he had to do was press a button to open it... ??
This guy sounds like Minos... It is. It's Minos.
Yo this is a toxic relationship. Get out of there King Zahbar!!
Agrabah is my greatest treasure.
... Yikes I've seen that episode, and Jasmine is standing RIGHT THERE.
I think we'd better put these in a safe place, locked up tight.
You're gonna leave them wide open in the treasury aren't y- ... Yup and there it is.
Al, it's the hawk! Only bigger!And he's got a girlfriend now.
Why are we jumping right to girlfriend? ... I mean you're not wrong, but why jump straight to bestiality?
Ahhh yes the Genie-being-easily-defeated-so-we-know-that-the-opponent-is-powerful trope.
Aladdin telling them to go home and celebrate... *facepalm*
Okay Iago just gave 2 screams and is just flying in place. The writing for Iago SUCCCCCKS in this episode.
Ah yes, another coup where the villain disposes of the 2 royals with no interference by the guards or anything and are immediately rulers of the kingdom. No questions asked.
Aw, I hate when Jasmine gets written out of episodes.
Adding "purple gem" to the list of things Jasmine has been turned into.
Now I see why they call this the
Rift! It's a
... Seriously who is writing Iago in this episode?
Aladdin's "It's my fault, but I have to make it right" is giving me 1992 vibes.
Yo literally this hawk burst out of a cage like 5 minutes ago. Why is he drowning crying for help in the sand rn.
... Also giving me Jasmine-drowning-in-the-hourglass-vibes.
Amazed that both Iago and Aladdin thought that throwing an emerald on the ground would break it...
This episode's premise has some potential, but the writing was just horrible. The queen had a lot of potential for depth - someone who is really dope but struggling with a spell making her evil? Gems with power that only works when the holders work together and fight their anger? A man-turned-hawk who waited 10,000 years to awaken his love? Rulers awaken after 10,000 years of spelldom to find their kingdom is a ruined relic? Cool concepts - totally wasted!
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:10 pm
Post subject:
The Shadow Knows
AladdinsGenie wrote:
Man I don't remember this episode
I only remember this one because the last time I watched it, I remember thinking "Man I don't remember this at all"
Pretty sure it's the one where Ayam tries to steal their shadows. Also I remember thinking the queen of the shadow world had a cool design.
AladdinsGenie wrote:
Talk about shadow-boxing
What's this title supposed to be paying homage to?
The banishment spell Ayam is talking about... Is that at the end of "As the Netherworld Turns"?
I'm still kind of confused about the after-lives in this world. Is the netherworld separate from just regular old after-life? Because Hades/River Styx is also a thing. And Aladdin will die someday...
Al, did we have to get up this early? If I don't get a full night's sleep I'm grouchy all day.
Okay now I'm actively noticing their shadows and, if I'm curious about how their shadows are drawn in other eps now... but not curious enough to go check.
: Ayam Aghoul? Is that you?
Don't say you're a shadow of your fo-
Ayam's shadow:
Let's just say I'm a shadow of my former self. (laughs
Man this ep has a lot of terrible Ayam puns. I'm curious if any of them are recycled from other eps... but not curious enough to go check.
Okay... did the shadows miss the part where
die too? I feel like I would stress that if I were the gang.
I'm confused by Carpet's speed in the series. Because sometimes he's so fast he can out-fly the sprites and levitate a whole-ass palace. But other eps he's caught fairly easily.
Okay we need to watch this with an Ayam pun drinking game.
I feel like they could all be super protected by hanging out under some intense light
Dark Rose
Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 12:29 am
Post subject:
Meesh wrote:
The Ethereal
Ahhh yes the one where they actually kill a main character. (but not permanently obviously)
AladdinsGenie wrote:
So I noticed they always says "____'s gone" instead of "____'s dead" despite using "death" and "die" in the series.
I like how they know what hail is.
I like how built-up the creatures of destruction are, and they're literally 2 giant scorpions that slowly attack like 2 citizens.
: *tackles the ethereal*
: A malevolent, omnipotent being shows up and you tackle her?!
: A malevolent, omnipotent being shows up and you tackle her?!
Aladdin just lets Jasmine go off with this killer mystic. I feel like early Aladdin would get all macho and protective.
Okay Agrabah's library looks a lot like the library from BatB but with Eastern flair.
"Genies under 2000 eat free." I like how this restaurant in Agrabah is actually trying to attract Genies.
I wonder how historians would look back on Agrabah's demise. Like how would they explain that? Others she had visited have explanations.
Okay that killer cube lowers from the sky, and all I can think of is the killer pyramid in Kung Pow. Anybody?
My man Aladdin (and Carpet) flying right in front of the killer mouth to throw the spear in!!
: From now on, free apples for you and your monkey!
: Dang I should have been paying attention to whether or not Aladdin and Abu steal from Omar for the chronology!!
They like actually kill Jasmine. Like Aladdin feels her pulse and everything. His line "Why spare us now?" THE DRAMA
When I was a kid, I was all like "wow this ep is so deep" and now I'm like "wtf she is destroying an entire people because their leaders weren't reading her mind" also "wow she is destroying innocent 'great' people because they... are underrated ??"
: Remember the lesson learned here today. Cherish your people, or, should you forget, I shall return.
... Sooo is this why Agrabah doesn't exist anymore? Or are we sticking with an alternate universe theory where Agrabah is the center of the world, and everybody magical and non-magical prospers together?
... Also hopeful that she doesn't keep up with American politics
I knew 2000 was a babby Genie age... Not to bash Eden (especially since I'd rather be in love with Carpet, and besides I hate members of the community bashing her for "stealing their waifu") but I knew their age gaps were messed up
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 11:37 pm
Post subject:
America could use a spinning cube of death right now. Point it right at the White House
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:23 pm
Post subject:
The Ethereal
Ahhh yes the one where they actually kill a main character. (but not permanently obviously)
AladdinsGenie wrote:
So I noticed they always says "____'s gone" instead of "____'s dead" despite using "death" and "die" in the series.
I like how they know what hail is.
I like how built-up the creatures of destruction are, and they're literally 2 giant scorpions that slowly attack like 2 citizens.
: *tackles the ethereal*
: A malevolent, omnipotent being shows up and you tackle her?!
: A malevolent, omnipotent being shows up and you tackle her?!
Aladdin just lets Jasmine go off with this killer mystic. I feel like early Aladdin would get all macho and protective.
Okay Agrabah's library looks a lot like the library from BatB but with Eastern flair.
"Genies under 2000 eat free." I like how this restaurant in Agrabah is actually trying to attract Genies.
I wonder how historians would look back on Agrabah's demise. Like how would they explain that? Others she had visited have explanations.
Okay that killer cube lowers from the sky, and all I can think of is the killer pyramid in Kung Pow. Anybody?
My man Aladdin (and Carpet) flying right in front of the killer mouth to throw the spear in!!
: From now on, free apples for you and your monkey!
: Dang I should have been paying attention to whether or not Aladdin and Abu steal from Omar for the chronology!!
They like actually kill Jasmine. Like Aladdin feels her pulse and everything. His line "Why spare us now?" THE DRAMA
When I was a kid, I was all like "wow this ep is so deep" and now I'm like "wtf she is destroying an entire people because their leaders weren't reading her mind" also "wow she is destroying innocent 'great' people because they... are underrated ??"
: Remember the lesson learned here today. Cherish your people, or, should you forget, I shall return.
... Sooo is this why Agrabah doesn't exist anymore? Or are we sticking with an alternate universe theory where Agrabah is the center of the world, and everybody magical and non-magical prospers together?
... Also hopeful that she doesn't keep up with American politics
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 1:26 am
Post subject:
Meesh wrote:
AladdinsGenie wrote:
This is absolutely not a plot they'd do today for sure, or at least not this blatant with the sexism she'd face and ways it would surface outside of her speaking up. Even the live action movie only managed to brushed on this.
I think it's interesting how blatant the sexism is in Rider's Redux without anybody nobody actually coming out and saying they were treating her differently because she is a woman.
Why don't you think they'd do it today?
Because once Disney shifted their characters to being more homogenized for their group franchises, Jasmine having to deal with blatant sexism, misogyny, etc. (even if it was rarely framed as such - I'm thinking of Murk saying she can't come with them because "she's a woman") turned into a generic "Someone told Jasmine she couldn't do something but she just kept trying and succeeded" message.
The live-action movie re-shifted this message to Jasmine being "silenced" yet she found a way to use her voice, but it's still generic in that it isn't saying why she was specifically being treated that way in the first place when I thought that would have been the one outlet they'd out right say it. We keep dancing around the reason now since I guess they want the princesses to be more relatable to everyone regardless of gender.
I think Disney got it in their heads that their 90s heroines were too...I don't want to say "strong" but mirroring real life in a way that made them harder to relate to them individually, so the nitty gritty forces influencing what these girls had to deal with were swapped with subtle antagonism when I think transparency is key to understanding where some of the princesses are coming from in their stories (especially since we don't water down those forces when it comes to the heroes. You know why Aladdin, Tarzan, Quasimodo, etc. are being treated the way they are).
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:41 am
Post subject:
Meesh wrote:
If all Mozenrath needs is a nimble, young body, why doesn't he go with somebody easier to subdue? Why Aladdin? He's so obsessed.
Okay, you watch Beetlejuice and I'll watch the Pagemaster
It would have been so funny if every so often Aladdin fights a new person, but it's just Mozenrath in a different body each time.
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:33 am
Post subject:
AladdinsGenie wrote:
This does make me curious to know if the other villains knew of Jafar and if he knew of them....
Apparently, if he did, he did not share the info with Iago.
AladdinsGenie wrote:
I wonder why he's getting "older' and she's not. Even Mozenrath gave his right hand for power and it was literally killing him in his early 20s. I wonder if Mirage was human once and gave up her "humanity" to become an evil cat
If that's true, then her method of turning Jasmine into an animal is even more poignant. Because it also subconsciously tells her that Fasir still loves her too.
AladdinsGenie wrote:
Meesh wrote:
It's a fact of life, my dear. The pretty face of youth just doesn't stay with us and then the man we love wants another pretty face.
She's right. I've seen guys do it. Heck, I’ve done it... several times!
What? I got a problem with commitment. I admit it.
^^ I'm gonna need the TEA on this
I always wondered if that meant he broke up with Thundra
AladdinsGenie wrote:
...which would beg the question why didn't they just fly around until they found the tree in the first place?
I wonder this every time. I just blame it on magic and/or not knowing the way without the markers? idk
AladdinsGenie wrote:
I haven't watched The Pagemaster or that version of The Three Musketeers. More movies to add to the Covid Queue
I haven't seen The Pagemaster since I was a kid, so I can't speak to it now. But I did rewatch The Three Musketeers a few months ago. Still cheesy and a lot of fun, but the writing of the female characters didn't age particularly well.
AladdinsGenie wrote:
You know, I never thought of this but maybe? His face is covered in Sands of Fate, but if it is him he put on a lot of muscle
What if Zorasto is the title name?
AladdinsGenie wrote:
This is absolutely not a plot they'd do today for sure, or at least not this blatant with the sexism she'd face and ways it would surface outside of her speaking up. Even the live action movie only managed to brushed on this.
I think it's interesting how blatant the sexism is in Rider's Redux without anybody nobody actually coming out and saying they were treating her differently because she is a woman.
Why don't you think they'd do it today?
AladdinsGenie wrote:
Meesh wrote:
AladdinsGenie wrote:
Wait, no one stayed behind with Dhandi? For once, Iago could have stayed and we get hilarious hijinks as a side plot of him trying to keep her entertained
This is actually brilliant.
When they get back Iago has taught her how to gamble and Dhandi's use of slang has grown massively
And/or she can do a perfect impression of somebody.
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:32 am
Post subject:
Meesh wrote:
Is this Fasir nearing death? Or just falling asleep? Either way I'm calling it late in the series because they both are pretty cozy with him.
That line about him fighting Mirage for too long makes it seem like he's dying, but I think it's just him nearing the end of having the strength to continue fighting her cause if he continues he will die, if that makes sense. I get the feeling if the series went on longer Fasir was going to be a bigger deal.
Disappointed because I thought this was the Aladdin-in-his-underwear episode, but that was the one when Iago is a ghost isn't it?
Yes, when he goes in to his dream
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:19 am
Post subject:
AladdinsGenie wrote:
Wait, no one stayed behind with Dhandi? For once, Iago could have stayed and we get hilarious hijinks as a side plot of him trying to keep her entertained
This is actually brilliant.
When they get back Iago has taught her how to gamble and Dhandi's use of slang has grown massively
Khartoum says they need cosmic power, and Mozenrath immediately goes to capture Genie. Hasn't he heard the spiel? NEARLY COSMIC. NEARLY.
I wonder what other magical being in this series would be considered completely cosmic, though. Maybe nearly with Genie is as close as you can get, I think.
I always thought we'd grow old together, Eden, but not this fast.
(blows Genie a kiss)
At least we had Agrabah.
^^ Gotta appreciate the dark humor as they are essentially dying.
And the pseudo Casablanca quote referencing the night before the Nazis invaded Paris
So Genie and Eden are presumed dead, it starts to rain, and Iago says literally nothing except to complain that he doesn't have an umbrella. Two seconds later, Genie and Eden are revealed to be alive, and he yells YEAH and high-gives Abu. Fair-weather friend, eh?
I was gonna say maybe he didn't want to be emotional about him dying and made an awkward joke instead, but he's been immediately emotional thinking Abu or Aladdin has died, so idk. I know him and Genie 'fight' but not in a way that would warrant that kind of response (unless he knew they'd be okay afterwards cause Genie has blown up before)
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