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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:32 pm    Post subject:

Feh. DS9 had an awesome storyline and great character development. Also, it blended sci-fi and fantasy/supernatural aspects seamlessly. It was like the Final Fantasy of Star Treks!
PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:06 pm    Post subject: Re: Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home

Syera wrote:
MegaMike wrote:
I was never a Star Trek fan, but after seeing a trailer for this film on youtube, I felt compelled to see it, and I eventually bought the two disc special edition DVD, which I think I only got for 8 dollars, plus shipping. Oh man, this movie is awesome!

I was always a Star Trek fan. Welcome to the club. Very Happy

Psst... DS9 is AWESOME.

No that'S TNG and Voyager; DS9 borrowed from TNG.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:15 am    Post subject: Re: Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home

MegaMike wrote:
I was never a Star Trek fan, but after seeing a trailer for this film on youtube, I felt compelled to see it, and I eventually bought the two disc special edition DVD, which I think I only got for 8 dollars, plus shipping. Oh man, this movie is awesome!

I was always a Star Trek fan. Welcome to the club. Very Happy

Psst... DS9 is AWESOME.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:05 pm    Post subject:

Nez wrote:
Ah, yes. I remember this movie. My third grade teacher was a Trekkie...a real one. He incorporated all the series into the lesson plan. He even assigned us ranks. I was the Engineer (I turned off the lights when we left the room). Very Happy

Whoa, that sounds pretty cool. Not sure if I ever had a teacher like that.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:04 pm    Post subject:

Ah, yes. I remember this movie. My third grade teacher was a Trekkie...a real one. He incorporated all the series into the lesson plan. He even assigned us ranks. I was the Engineer (I turned off the lights when we left the room). Very Happy
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:55 am    Post subject: Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home

I was never a Star Trek fan, but after seeing a trailer for this film on youtube, I felt compelled to see it, and I eventually bought the two disc special edition DVD, which I think I only got for 8 dollars, plus shipping. Oh man, this movie is awesome! And it's full of lots of comedy too! Some of my favorite scenes in the film:

1.Where Chekov and Uhara are asking a police officer and other people where the Nuclear Vessel is. PRICELESS! XD

2.[after landing and cloaking a Klingon spaceship in Golden Gate Park]
Kirk: Everybody remember where we parked.

3.[Kirk and Spock enter a bus headed for the aquarium... only to exit the bus about 2 seconds later]
Spock: [to Kirk] What does it mean, "exact change"?

4.[Explaining Spock's odd behavior to Gillian]
Kirk: Oh, him? He's harmless. Part of the free speech movement at Berkeley in the sixties. I think he did a little too much LDS.

5.[Spock is still learning how to use profanity correctly]
Spock: They like you very much, but they are not the hell "your" whales.
Dr. Gillian Taylor: I suppose they told you that.
Spock: The hell they did.

6.[faced with a 20th century computer]
Scotty: Computer. Computer?
[Bones hands him a mouse and he speaks into it]
Scotty: Hello, computer.
Dr. Nichols: Just use the keyboard.
Scotty: Keyboard. How quaint.

7.Spock: Your use of language has altered since our arrival. It is currently laced with, shall we say, more colorful metaphors, "double dumb-ass on you" and so forth.
Kirk: Oh, you mean the profanity?
Spock: Yes.
Kirk: Well that's simply the way they talk here. Nobody pays any attention to you unless you swear every other word.

8.Kirk: If we play our cards right, we may be able to find out when those whales are being released.
Spock: How will playing cards help?

9.Dr. Gillian Taylor: Are you sure you won't change your mind?
Spock: Is there something wrong with the one I have?

Alright, I don't want to spoil any of it. Anyway, the movie was directed and co-written by Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock himself), and even if you aren't a Star Trek fan, you will probably really enjoy this film alot! And you can get the two disc special edition at a real dirt cheap price!

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