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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:50 pm    Post subject:

There's definetly a logic gap between SIR and following episodes. Perhaps the necklace itself is a portal to the Netherworld, meaning that if someone would have rubbed the Eye of Gazeem or something before finding the necklace, he'd be free?

As for the two-way thing, maybe he himself could not find a way out via magic, hence the spell. He certainly couldn't use the Eye of Gazeem or the Black Viper figurehead, and I'm assuming that the only way he could get out of the Netherworld (as least as the episodes seem to dictate) is if Aladdin himself gets him out of there. He touches the Eye, he touches the figurehead... that's the best I can explain it.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:10 pm    Post subject: Ayam Aghoul - plot holes

In the first Ayam Aghoul episode, "The Spice is Right", he's released from the necklace and trapped back inside it at the end. But in the next episode, and in every subsequent episode, he escapes from the Netherworld, which he blames Aladdin for "banishing" him to, and is sent back there at the end. Are we missing an episode where he escaped from the necklace at the beginning and is sent to the Netherworld at the end, or what?

To complicate matters further, in his last episode, "The Shadow Knows", he cannot leave the Netherworld because he is held there by a "banishing spell". However, in the previous episodes he was always sent to the Netherworld by some kind of two-way portal; he was never compelled to actually *stay* in the Netherworld by any sort of spell. So either we're missing a lot of backstory, or the writers really weren't paying attention. Razz

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