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Fidget Goblinweb
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:30 am    Post subject:

Ah, PETA. Hypocrites the lot of them! Don't even get me started on what they think about Pitbulls! I personally own a pitbull and he is one of the sweetest dogs I've had the pleasure of owning!

Don't listen to them when they say the breed is a monster as a justification for killing.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:20 pm    Post subject:

The argument that cats and dogs eat meat doesn't work. The counterargument is that we as humans have free choice.

My (ahem) beef is that they're using "murder" to define killing an animal. The reason that killing a human is punishable is to make human society function better overall.

They claim that animals value their lives as much as humans do. Funny; I've yet to see a cow who wanted to paint a masterpiece and be remembered forever.

While animals are sentient, they are not sapient nor metaconscious.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:38 pm    Post subject:

PETA is just nuts, IMO. First of all, well, eating meat isn't like, murdering animals, or anything. Cats and dogs are naturally carnivores.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:34 pm    Post subject:

Syera wrote:
Wow. That seems extreme, even for PeTA. o_0

Are you sure it was them? Not ALF/ELF?

Thats what my friend said. So if there was a misinterpretation it was on her or her mom's friend's part.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:36 am    Post subject:

Wow. That seems extreme, even for PeTA. o_0

Are you sure it was them? Not ALF/ELF?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:55 pm    Post subject:

It really is true though that PeTA does stuff like that.
A friend of mind told me before how her mother's friend had a dog at some point, and people from PeTA broke her dog's paws. D: It was sad.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:44 am    Post subject:

The only reason I linked to "that" website was because it was the largest collection of ARA quotes I came across. It's hardly the only example I've gone by. Believe me, I've visited many websites, most of which were of a less "paranoid" nature.

Paranoid website or not, the fact that these are the very words from the animal rights bigwigs should say something. I'm not asking to get panicked over what the website says, but rather to consider what the ARAs themselves are saying. So ignore the website; just consider the quotes.

PeTA Kills Animals - this site might suit your tastes better; it's less alarmist. It has pretty much everything you need to know - and just the facts.
On Rodney Coronado and his teaching people to build firebombs.
Who is this Jerry Vlasak person, anyway?

Penn and Teller also did an excellent show on ARAs. You can actually watch this stuff come right out of the horse's mouth, if you don't mind Penn and Teller's gimmick of using as many swear words as possible. It's available on YouTube and Google Video.

By the way, PeTA likes handing out material like this and this to children. You can find the full "Your Mommy Kills Animals" pamphlet here. If there are any doubts that they actually hand these out to children, click here.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:40 am    Post subject:

I dunno about all of that, but I love how groups like PETA claim that by being a vegan, they're somehow above the rest of us, despite millions of animals getting killed by wheat and soy bean combines during harvesting as a direct result of THEIR dieting habits.

Sure, meat-eaters kill animals too, but at least we EAT the meat we kill (instead of letting the carcass rot in a field somewhere), and we're not the ones with the moral qualms about it.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:05 am    Post subject:


How often do you read that website? It sounds like something they would have put out in the 50s to scare people about Communism. "Here, read this and educate yourself! We know the REAL answers!" It sounds totally hokey and incredibly biased as it keeps talking about "the left" like they're evil Razz

Islam - A Religion Based on Terrorism

That alone is enough to make me blow off that whole website. A FEW crazy people claim they made these attacks in the name of Islam and suddenly the whole religion is about that? Are you kidding me? So, does that make Christianity about mindless brainwashing when you have people like Jim Jones who got all those people to kill themselves through his preachings? Please.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:50 am    Post subject: I found something to fight for. Or just get loud about.

It's something that more people need to get loud about.

It's not the war in Iraq.

It's not child abuse.

It's not people who chuck cans into the trash instead of the recycle bin.

It's one of the more pernicious weevils in our society: animal rights activists.

Specifically, it's radical groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Animal Liberation Front, and Earth Liberation front.

These people are nuts.

I dunno about ALF and ELF, but PeTA markets itself with a cute, cuddly, happy save-the-puppies-and-bunnies front. Their actual business? What they call "total animal liberation." According to PeTA, you do not have the right to own pets. If you or someone you love is dying of cancer, tough luck; the scientists don't have to right to use a rat to develop a cure. If an animal rights radical was faced with the choice of saving you or a dog, you'd better start praying for a miracle, because the dog is gonna get saved first.

Mind you, despite their kitty-cuddling appearance, PeTA euthanizes over 80% of the animals they are supposed to be putting into new homes. Sometimes they kill them before their adoption service vans leave the driveways. Bodies are shoved into plastic bags and dropped in dumpsters. These are NOT old or ailing animals; these are healthy kittens and puppies.

Furthermore, these people will push every skewed "fact" they can find to further their agenda, from half-assed medical research to gross distortions of major religious teachings. They ignore years of careful study that prove humans are true predators, picking and choosing irrelevant facts to "prove" that we're natural herbivores.

They are hypocritical: while they claim to be opposed to any and all animal testing, they use any drug tested on animals if it serves their purpose. Insulin, painkillers... it doesn't matter; in their own words, they have to use these products because they need their lives so they can continue their fight. How lovely. They'll kill for their cause, but die for it? Nope.

Organizations such as ELF and ALF have committed arson and vandalism in the name of "animal liberation." Although PeTA hasn't actively done this, they have openly condoned such behavior, and have even funded those who did as such. Some animal activists have sunk so low as to threaten the lives of children. These are terrorist tactics, and nothing less.

Okay, so I'll stop yapping about how crazy these people are. I'll let you read for yourself. These quotes represent the views of the people in charge of some of the most well-known animal rights groups in the world. You can't say it's just a minority of extremists.

After learning what I now know about animal rights groups, I am honestly frightened and disturbed by Disney's habit of slipping animal rights propaganda into their movies. (What else would you call it?) I'm not talking about Bambi (although I blame that movie for inspiring these maniacs); I'm talking about things like the new version of The Shaggy Dog in which the main character's daughter is protesting the use of animals in laboratories. I'm talking about Tyra Banks's blurb that "we should love animals, not wear them!" in Life Size. And Kermit the Frog's admonishing us against the evils of frog dissection in Kermit's Swamp Years.

Mmm-kay. I'm done now. Think of it as you will.

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