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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:02 pm    Post subject:

The workprint of the movie I have has the 16th birthday line in it, and Aladdin's and Jasmine's designs are both before they were made to look older because they both look pretty young and Jasmine's design isn't the one we know today. So, somewhere after that, they made the design changes and we know at least Jasmine's had to be first because Aladdin's design changed once Jasmine's developed to be very strong and became official.

Making the first Aladdin 15 would make more sense with Jasmine also being 15 turning 16, but then maybe they just went ahead and made him a little older in general once the designs changed since it's not uncommon to have the guy a little older than the girl. Plus, I'm not sure I'd believe it anyways if they showed me Aladdin's design now and said he was 15. I think a age change was in order Laughing
PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:11 pm    Post subject:

Calluna wrote:
I don't know exactly where it is on the DVD, I'll need to look around, but I remember a scene where Scott is talking to Glenn Keane while they look at old sketches of Aladdin and Glenn mentions that Aladdin is about the same age as Scott was when he recorded his lines.

Just went looking for this, and, wow, I remembered this pretty wrong. It was John Musker, not Glen, who Scott was talking to, and what he said was that before Al was "aged up" he was about 15, and afterwards about 18, and then Scott mentions he was 17 when the movie came out. So this might be where the guy Merkal was arguing with got that idea.

(I tend to take this kind of thing with a grain of salt; even if Ron and John and the others decided on an exact age, they may have forgotten after all this time. Or they never decided and he's just guessing. ("Well, he looks about 18...") The creators are like this about where and when Aladdin is set as well; I've heard lots of different dates given, some of which are absurd (like dates in B.C.).)

I guess you could argue that the script that said Jasmine was going to be 16 was written before Al was aged up and that they aged her up as well but just didn't mention it (or change her character design as well), but there's no evidence of that that I've seen.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:15 pm    Post subject:

I have a toy that says on the box that Aladdin is 17 in the first movie. I know it's not anything official, but that's the number that keeps coming up everywhere I go.

And Jasmine I thought was 15 turning 16. I've seen that in little kids books and whatnot, too. Again, nothing official, but it keeps coming up.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:11 am    Post subject:

Thanks guys you're a life saver. Heather, I just found it in the making of Aladdin book seconds before I read your reply. I'll write that Youtube'r reffering to the discussions Meesh pointed it me too and the book qoute.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:38 pm    Post subject:

Jasmine's age I found in "Aladdin: the Making of an Animated Film"; it's page 41 in my book, but just in case yours is different it's in one of the first pages of the Jasmine section.

As for Aladdin, that's a little trickier... In "The Prophet Motive" he said he'd been living on the streets for 17 years, but depending on how you interpret that and where in the timeline you think that episode falls you could make him older than that or even as young as 15 in the first movie.

I don't know exactly where it is on the DVD, I'll need to look around, but I remember a scene where Scott is talking to Glenn Keane while they look at old sketches of Aladdin and Glenn mentions that Aladdin is about the same age as Scott was when he recorded his lines. Scott just turned 17 when the movie came out, so that would make Al about 16 or 17.

I can look around for some online articles that mention Jas' age if you need me to. Smile

Edit: I went looking for the wikipedia article to fix it but couldn't find where it said this. So either someone else got to it first or he's remembering that wrong as well. Laughing
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:54 pm    Post subject:

oh. and here
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:50 pm    Post subject:

It's been discussed here:

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:18 am    Post subject: Official documentation on Aladdin and Jasmine's ages

I'm in discussion with some YouTube member on what are Aladdin and Jasmine's ages. I said he's 17 and she's 15 in the first movie he/she says Aladdin is 18 (states Wikipedia article as source) so Jasmine must be too.

I knew about the change of script when Sultan says "You must be married by your 16th birthday" to "You must be married by your next birthday" for ages but I can't find an official source. Neither the DVD nor the making of book makes mention of any ages the two leads are.

That's where I call for help because I am not going to lose a discussion with some random fan who shows no evidence to be part of any online Aladdin fandom.

Thanks people.

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