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PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:50 pm    Post subject:

Nah, I'm not into slash.

I'll check out your profile though! Smile If you post any Aladdin fic, let us know!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:22 pm    Post subject:

There's a fine line between "pathetic" and "devoted," and I think that line is mainly determined by the person who's doing the interpreting. Razz As a promoter of geekdom in general, I consider it "devoted."

Yep, I'm on FFnet, as ckret2. I don't have any Aladdin fics posted, although I do have an on-hiatus Kingdom Hearts fic that features a lot of Agrabah and has Mechanicles as a main character, so that's something. (Warning: if you do go look at my fics, a lot of them are slash. Just so you know, if you're not into that. All slash fics are clearly marked, anyway.)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:07 pm    Post subject:

Welcome to AC!

I'm Meesh (I'm good at stating the obvious too Wink ), and Aladdin was my first theatre movie too! It's literally always been my favorite movie. While I didn't have an Iago doll, I had McDonalds toys and I had my dad put in Jasmine movies every day before he left work, and i STILL wear my jasmine-rajah necklace and am currently eating from a Jasmine pez dispenser... And I'd say that I'm pathetic, but aren't we all here? (jk... kind of)

I write fanfic once in a while myself. Cool On, I'm "Oh Sweet Solace." Do you write there?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:32 pm    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
Kingdom Hearts! There we go! Laughing You had a fanfic I read or Beta'd at some point with...Cinderella in it, perhaps? I remember bits of this.

Yep, it's called "Tears" and it's an Axel-centric fic. There were indeed a few chapters set in Cinerella-land. I think I asked you to beta because there was an extended segment in Agrabah featuring Mechanicles, I needed someone who'd watched the series more recently than I had, and your Aladdin avatars seemed promising.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:48 pm    Post subject:

Kingdom Hearts! There we go! Laughing You had a fanfic I read or Beta'd at some point with...Cinderella in it, perhaps? I remember bits of this.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:47 pm    Post subject:

Thank you, I feel welcome. Very Happy

AladdinsGenie, yep, we've definitely met before. I tend to never delete anyone off my AIM buddy list, and it's got either your username or a variation of it (I'm too lazy to check right now), so I know we've talked. (In fact, you might've been the one to link me to this site, during my brief Aladdin kick a few years ago.) I think we met through Kingdom Hearts fandom?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:30 pm    Post subject:

Ooh, a minor character fan, you'll fit right in. Laughing Welcome!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:02 pm    Post subject:

Your name sounds familiar. I think I might have seen you around somewhere at some point...

And bizarre combinations are good! Laughing Welcome, welcome!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:50 pm    Post subject: And a newbie creeps in.

Hi, I'm new. I shall now attempt to refrain from continuing to state the obvious.

I've apparently been an Aladdin fan since before I could remember, because my parents inform me that Aladdin was the first movie they ever took me to, heh. I grew up on the show (hauling my Iago doll around with me just about everywhere...), forgot everything about it, randomly rediscovered Mechanicles a few years ago, and then recently started watching the show again. And it's awesome. So here I am. Stating the obvious again.

I'm usually a fanfic writer, but have overcommitted myself to various other fanfic projects and have thus banned myself from starting any big new projects. So I may produce some one-shots.

From what little I've discerned about Aladdin fandom so far, I think that I'm something of a rarity, in that my favorite characters are bad guys but not Mozenrath, heh. (If I do produce any creative works, expect them to be about Nefir Hassenuf, Malcho, Ayam Aghoul, Mechanicles, Iago, or some bizarre combination of the aforementioned.)

And... yeah, that's all I've got to say. So, hi again. Glad to be here.

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