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PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 7:34 pm    Post subject:

Well, on a model sheet in the images section its says Jasmine is 5 1/2 heads high.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:31 am    Post subject:

Hmm, I am about 5'-5' ½". When I went to Disney World, Jasmine was my height and Aladdin was taller than both of us: ( Aladdin, Me and Jasmine).
Horrible picture quality, but you get the point. So, Jasmine might be 5' and Aladdin is 5'7", but that is just a guess. Hey, I could be the same height as Jasmine. Cool. Cool
PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:49 pm    Post subject:

Well, whenever I go to Disneyland, Aladdin's around my height, 5'10" (me next to Aladdin for comparison). Jasmine is 5'3"-5'4" ish. That's in the parks... unfortunately I don't have the official face character height ranges right offhand.

As Heather mentioned, people in general were shorter in history. I assume they made him a bit taller in the parks to adjust for average male height these days. Smile
PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:23 pm    Post subject:

According to this pic, (I think it's from The Art of Hercules) Aladdin's about 5'7", so you're pretty close! From that you could figure out the other characters' heights; it's something I keep meaning to do...

I think it's not so much about being Arabs as it is about living a long time ago when nutrition wasn't as good. 5'7" was tall back then. Very Happy
PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:15 pm    Post subject: character's heights

Hey, how tall do you think each of the characters are? I have always wondered about this. I know Aladdin and Jasmine must a little shorter because people in the middle east are shorter than some of us. I would say Aladdin is probably 5'6 and Jasmine 5'3. I dunno, what do you all think?

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