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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:57 pm    Post subject:

Hi Melissa!

Thank you for sharing these.

This message board isn't as active as it used to be, but there are a couple of us who remember SalukFan/Samantha. <3
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:17 pm    Post subject: Re: KOT gifs by salukfan

melissadeq wrote:
these gifs were not made by me, they were made by salukfan - Samantha Hansel. She used to post a lot on this messageboard.

The 25th anniversary of KOT was in August. I have been thinking about her a lot.

Hope this posts. people are looking at this post, which is great. I'm sure you guys all know that Samantha passed away in 2018.


I have a tag for her on my lj:

I never knew Samantha in real life. Our friendship was exclusively over the internet. Whereas I have had friends I've sent gifts to, etc. I only knew Samantha over the internet. Mostly on livejournal, though I think I was her friend on Facebook briefly.

She was a year older than me when she passed away. Now I am a year older than her age when she passed away

When a friend of yours that you've only had an internet connection passes away, it's hard. It's hard because you don't have anything to hold on to.

That's why uploading her gif project onto my own server was therapeutic.

A gif is a neverending animation loop, and looking at these gifs gives me comfort, like, something of her is still here.

Anyhow I am sorry invading your forum. Sam's last post on here was in 2016, I think. Maybe some of you would know her username, salukfan. I'm not the biggest Aladdin fan, but I've become a big "general" Disney fan in recent years. Posting here, well, it was a way to pay my respects.

I would add one of her gifs here, but I don't really know how to do it with the coding.

I was able to add some more of her KOT gifs here.

And this folder includes some of her non-KOT gifs as well. (There isn't that many).

I hope in Heaven there is a better version of Disney Plus - one that has House of Mouse, Enchanted, the Aladdin tv show and that Buzz Lightyear 2D animated series.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:05 am    Post subject: KOT gifs by salukfan

these gifs were not made by me, they were made by salukfan - Samantha Hansel. She used to post a lot on this messageboard.

The 25th anniversary of KOT was in August. I have been thinking about her a lot.

Hope this posts.

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