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Disney Princess
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marisa wrote:

SHE ISN'T EVEN A PRINCESS. >_< But with that aside, she taught the girls to be smart and read, regardless of what people think of you. (Of course, being extremely pretentious and believing that you're BETTER than everyone else sure helpled Belle along.)

I'm sensing some hostility, young lady.

Snow White: Her voice alone prevents me from watching that movie. I love Dopey, but I can't take her voice. And is it wrong that I think the Evil Queen is prettier than Snow White?

Aurora-I love her voice. I think she is pretty too. She's awesome to draw as well. I think she got the best prince out of them all, not including Al of course Smile

Cinderella- I get so pissed off watching her movie. Not because of her, but just because she won't tell her stepmother or her step sister to get their own crapola and do their own shiznit! The songs in this movie are incredibly addictive. I still think they couldn't find more lines for "So This Is Love" and that's why parts of it is hummed, lol.

Ariel-I find a lot of my chick friends say this is their favorite Disney movie. When I was little, I loved the movie too. But the older I got, that's the more I was like, "Wow, that relationship grew fast." Definitely a movie for those who are hopeless romantics.

Belle-Belle is probably my second favorite princess. I'm not into reading, so that didn't click with me. But I love how she was strong-willed. My favorite part is when her and beast are yelling at each other. That was great.

Jasmine- Jazmin da gr8tist eva!@!1111 Part of why I love her so much is because the movie didn't evolve around her, yet it still works. That's part of why I tihnk she gets the short end of the stick when it comes to Princess merchandise. The movie wasn't called "Jasmine." Could you imagine if any of the other princess movies evolved around the prince instead?
I also thought when I was younger that it was pretty kick ass that she was able to wear pants and still be gorgeous.
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Tiger-Clawed Thief

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oooh, Princess Disection:

- Snow White: I can't stand this woman, at all. Easily my least favorite princess. She's so hapless, dependant, annoying, lovesick... bleh. The only thing about her I like is that she is half of the vocals in "I'm Wishing/One Song", my third favorite Disney Duet ever.

- Cinderella: I don't mind her so much. The servitude and haplessness bugs me, but on a whole, she's tolerable. She marries the worst prince of the bunch, but I can accept it and move on.

- Aurora: My irrational hate for her movie doesn't reflect my thoughts on her. She's alright. I definetly prefer Phillip to her, but the great voice and her beauty is great. That's about all I've got on her.

- Ariel: Just annoying. I don't like her, at all. The way she betrays her family for Eric, her desperation, her clinginess. Bleh. I've never really understood the Ariel love, myself. I love the way Jodi Benson voices her and sings for her, but to me that whole movie is just overrated. And Eric can just die.

- Belle: My favorite princess ever, easily. I've loved her since I saw the movie at 5. I really liked (and still like) reading, so I could really relate to her, though I could never understand just why she would turn away Gaston. Stupid irrational crushes Wink. I think she's , realistic looking (for the most part), and intelligant, both traits I value. She's definetly the most arrogant of the princesses though, but I can live with that.

- Jasmine: My long-term second favorite. I love her attitude, independance, intellgance, etc. Not to mention that she has the best "prince" of the bunch. Funny how I end up saying the least about her...
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Royal Vizier

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I love I'm Wishing/One Song, too... actually, I like the "One Song" part, but Snow White's voice annoys me too much to like her part. Laughing
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Tiger-Clawed Thief

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I love I'm Wishing/One Song, too... actually, I like the "One Song" part, but Snow White's voice annoys me too much to like her part

That's about the only part I like of it too... but if I have to praise her somehow, that's the only way to do it Razz
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I never really cared for Snow White. Her speaking and singing voice are terrible.I don`t like any of her songs,but she is cute. Cinderella and Aurora are nice,but their not my favorites. The old school Disney characters seem boring, when compared to the modern ones.When I was a little girl,I loved Ariel. I think the modern characters are easier to relate to. I also liked Belle,but Jasmine will always be my favorite. Very Happy I really liked her because she was a princess from another race and culture. The fact that she`s beautiful and out spoken helps too. Very Happy Jasmine has the best love interest!!! The other princes are out of their league.
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Royal Vizier

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 5:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think part of the problem is that the "classic" Disney Princesses tended to be very one-dimensional: they were supposed to be like the ideal lady. Nowadays, Disney seems to be giving the newer princesses more flaws, and making them more fallible.
I don't need intelligent drugs, because I don't know what they are. But I will put anything into my mouth that is given to me, whether it's supposed to go there or not. Because... I'm different.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 7:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, the first few were gentle and soft spoken as some women were at that time. They were almost shown as ideal housewives. Notice how Cinderella, Snow White and Aurora were shown cleaning at some point. Nowadays, females are being shown in stronger roles, more outspoken and taking a stand for what they believe. Do you see Ariel or Jasmine with a broom in their hands? Very Happy
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 7:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

heh...that was me. Yeah......... Shocked
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Tiger-Clawed Thief

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 7:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you see Ariel or Jasmine with a broom in their hands?

I can see Jasmine hitting Aladdin with a broom, but I don't think that's what you meant. Twisted Evil
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

SalukFan wrote:
Do you see Ariel or Jasmine with a broom in their hands?

I can see Jasmine hitting Aladdin with a broom, but I don't think that's what you meant. Twisted Evil

There was this one-shot comic that took place after KoT, where Al tried to convince Jas to move out of the palace with him and get their own house. He was the one with the broom. Laughing
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Joined: 24 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Snow White: I have to say she's my favourite. (Hey, I have a sword and I'm not afraid to use it!) I really like her hair, and her singing voice is (in my opinion) beautiful. (This coming from a girl who can change her voice in one second depending on what she needs to be doing, but unfortunately cannot change her soprano voice so I sound really awkard with all my alto friends.) Anyway, I like Snow White. If you don't, that's fine, but I do.
Cinderella: Sure, she's great. It's not her fault she was a servant. And I like how she carefully disguises her wits around her stepfamiles. And I *envy* her singing voice!
Aurora: Have to say this was my least favourite, because we didn't get to see so much of her in the movie. Oh yeah, plus I hate pink.
Ariel: She's cool, she knew what she wanted and went for it, defying her father. Her father is NOT someone just anyone can defy, not with all his power. (Huh, guess that makes Ariel like Kam. Bonus points.) But I hate Eric. He didn't deserve her.
Jasmine: You think I'd be here if I didn't like Jasmine?! Jasmine is defintly the toughest princess (bonus points), knew what she wanted AND how to get her way, and kept up her spirit!

And the forgotten princess, Eilonwy (from The Black Cauldron): It's too bad she's forgotten, because she was a great character and a combination of the first three princesses and the modern ones!
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 5:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In my opinion, Mulan and Jasmine are the best disney Princesses. Jasmine, is very smart, and independent, not to mention a very fast learner, she can punch hard too. I mean, she was the first Disney princess with pants!!! How kick-ass is that? I like Mulan, because she had a sword. She was witty, and fearless. She had her mind set, and she was going to follow that plan. also, she had the balls to cut off her beautiful, long black hair. I could NEVER do that. Plus, both these princesses has Lea Solonga do their singing voices. How... strange. Well, in the first Aladdin, at least.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 10:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, I was disillusioned when I bought it. I misread the back and thought there were at least two Jasmine episodes on it Embarassed I didn't even realize the episode on it was "Bad Mood Rising"! I've made a horrible mistake and severely embarassed myself in the process...imagine a full grown teenager walking out of Target with a Princess: Tales of the Heart DVD. ARGH!

But my favorite princesses are Jasmine and Mulan. Jasmine because...she just rocks! Her fiery spirit, her bravery, her beauty, she's just really cool! And Mulan because she was the first (I think...) asian disney heroine. And I thought that was really cool. Her personality, wit, courage, and awesome fighting skills make her really cool. Mulan may not be a princess but I think she's an aristocrat anyway...

On another note though has anyone here played Kingdom Hearts? Yeah I'm a video game junkie...sue me. Weren't the choices for the princesses of heart a little random? I under stand Jasmine, Aurora, and Cinderella. But what was Alice doing there? Belle she's a princess through marriage...

Ooh, never try to write a post after taking Nyquil...I'm dizzy... Confused I hate being sick Sad
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Eccentric Papyrus Jockey

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 11:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't know. That's a whole another topic/forum.
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 5:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ladyluck wrote:
...imagine a full grown teenager walking out of Target with a Princess: Tales of the Heart DVD. ARGH!

Imagine a 18 year old going to the counter of Walmart with two Jasmine dolls and a princess coloring book, and when the lady asks is this for your sister you say "Nah, they are for me." Laughing Good times, good times.

On another note though has anyone here played Kingdom Hearts? Yeah I'm a video game junkie...sue me. Weren't the choices for the princesses of heart a little random? I under stand Jasmine, Aurora, and Cinderella. But what was Alice doing there? Belle she's a princess through marriage...
Yeah, I played it...a couple times. Actually, I play Agrabah more than anything. I have it saved so I can go back and play through the whole thing again. The princesses of heart were a little random. I guessed because they didn't have any females to fight along side with, they left Ariel there and didn't use her. Plus, she's in the water and that would have been hard to capture her. But, it would have been funny to see the villains shove her in a giant fish tank, lol. Alice was a bit random, but I think they used her there because of Ariel being part of the game play.
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