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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:10 pm    Post subject: It's that time again... Reply with quote

(*Checks calendar, makes a new Rasoul icon, puts on flame-retardant suit... Laughing *)

Similar to Salukfan's Cassim thread... (We need more controversial character topics, IMO. Wink )

1. Do you think Rasoul knew/suspected anything about Jafar's plot to overthrow the sultan, and if so, what?

2. Do you think his jealousy/hatred of Aladdin is at all justified?

3. Do you think he really is as loyal to the sultan as he claims to be?

4. Do you think he was right to follow Jafar's order over Jasmine's in the first movie?

5. Why do you think he tried to drown Prince Ali? (And, no, "because Jafar said so" isn't a good enough reason [or is it? Wink ])

6. Do you still think he will stay in Agrabah once Aladdin is sultan?
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I told my Aladdin-bias butt I'd stay out of this, but I'll try to keep that out as much as possible. I can't make any guarantees, though Wink

1. Do you think Rasoul knew/suspected anything about Jafar's plot to overthrow the sultan, and if so, what?
Hmm, never heard this question before. I don't think he did. His character in the series and sequels shows he has too much of a dedication to Agrabah and the sultan to know there was a plot against him and let it go on. And if he did, I wonder if Jafar promised him something after he takes the throne of Agrabah, but I don't think he'd let Jasmine go through with something like that because of his loyalty to her, in general. But no, I don't think he knew anything. Jafar is a sneaky one Laughing

2. Do you think his jealousy/hatred of Aladdin is at all justified?
I feel like there's more here that isn't shown cause as it stands I don't see a completly justified reason for it other than "I don't like that guy, so I am going to hate him". At first it seemed like "hatred" because Aladdin is a criminal he's been trying to catch for a while it seems, but to have that much hatred towards someone who just steals makes me wonder if there is something else, whether or not it's Rasoul's "job" to keep the crime rates as low as possible.
But after Aladdin got engaged to Jasmine, that's where I think it turns more to "jealousy". I wonder more about Rasoul's past in the sense that maybe he had to work extremely hard to get to be the Royal captain of the guards, and yet street rat Aladdin comes along and will be the future ruler of Agrabah just like that. It doesn't seem like any of the other guards have a huge problem with it other than Rasoul, so there's some back story that I want to know.
OR, even more extreme, Rasoul has this thing against street rats in general because maybe someone close to him was killed by one like a mother or father or something. I don't know, but I sorta doubt he just gets on Aladdin's case. I'm sure there are others, but Aladdin gets it the worse for some reason. Maybe he's just jealous over Aladdin's magical fez and how it's able to stay on his head all the time. Laughing

3. Do you think he really is as loyal to the sultan as he claims to be?
Oh boy, what a question Laughing . Overall, I'd say yes just because you can work for someone and be loyal to he or she, but get annoyed sometimes (kind of like a child-parent relationship Wink ). I see no strong evidence that shows that he isn't unfaithful to him. I mean, who hasn't talked about a boss or someone who is over you behind their backs? We all know the sultan isn't the brightest crayon in the box, so he needs a little "assistance"

4. Do you think he was right to follow Jafar's order over Jasmine's in the first movie?
Well, Rasoul's been trying to catch Aladdin for quite some time, so when Jafar comes to him and says "Hey, I need this guy arrested and I know where he is" and Rasoul sees it's him, that's his opportunity to catch him. He was going to take it reguardless. However, he knew going over Jafar and going with Jasmine's order would have meant having to let him go. But was he right to follow Jafar's order over Jasmine's? Yes, but it's not like Jafar has his own set of rules that can't be over-ruled by someone of higher authority, and Jasmine and the sultan have their own rules. So he knew the "right" thing to do, but went with the "better" thing to do, IMO. But even as a princess, I have to wonder how much power Jasmine really has.

5. Why do you think he tried to drown Prince Ali? (And, no, "because Jafar said so" isn't a good enough reason [or is it?])
I've heard theories that they were under a spell, but that's stretching it. To me, that part makes no sense once you see Rasoul's character outside of this movie. By getting rid of Prince Ali, that's meddling in royal affairs because he knew he was there to court Jasmine. I can't see him getting rid of any other suitors for no apparent reason. So, I wonder what Jafar told him exactly before this scene. Like, if he told him he kidnapped Jasmine when they were on that carpet ride, or Jafar said he heard that once Prince Ali was sultan, he'd get rid of Rasoul and the guards, or said the sultan said to get rid of Prince Ali. I don't know, it's all crockery, IMO. Prince Ali himself didn't do anything to Rasoul at all, so it's not like he has something against him to do it. And he doesn't know that's Aladdin because as far as he knows, he's still in the dungeon. I don't really know why he tried to drown him other than Genie made them genuflect to him, so he wanted to get rid of him over that Laughing

6. Do you still think he will stay in Agrabah once Aladdin is sultan?
Yeah, he'll just have a somewhat similar relationship with him like he does the sultan now. He'll stay and do what he has to do, but he'll be annoyed at times and complain he is taking orders from a street rat. I think gradually their relationship will get better as time goes on because he'll see holding this grudge is a waste of time.
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Tiger-Clawed Thief

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:52 am    Post subject: Re: It's that time again... Reply with quote

Ahhh, my kind of topic! *Cracks knuckles*

1. Do you think Rasoul knew/suspected anything about Jafar's plot to overthrow the sultan, and if so, what?

I'm going to say no. I think that if he knew that something was really wrong, he would do something. Not even something major, but something. Like "Armored and Dangerous"- he knew something was wrong with the Sultan and protected Jasmine, I think knowing that it could hurt him. Betraying Jafar would be, I don't know if I want to say easier than that, but less than it. I wouldn't rule out the possibly of a nagging suspicion, however. I'm taking it back to KoT, where I think he knows Sa'luk is manipulating him to a degree (at least, that something's not right about his story), but goes with it because he desires respect and status. He might suspect Jafar of something, but not tell Sultan out of a number of reasons- fear that, if he's right, his life could be taken or even respect for Jafar, among other things.

2. Do you think his jealousy/hatred of Aladdin is at all justified?

I can sort of justify it, though he's really putting the blame on the wrong person. My theory on his jealous of Aladdin comes from that fact that Aladdin essentially took Rasoul's job in the series. The Captain of the Guard position, at least, as I interpret it, is to be a defender of the palace. Aladdin suddenly becomes the number one protector, the one the Sultan relies on, and the one Sultan has the most faith in. This relationship is clearly seen in "Raiders of the Lost Shark", when Sultan *almost* send Rasoul with Merk, but as soon as Aladdin speaks up, Sultan changes it to him. It shows that, while Sultan does find Rasoul competient, he finds Aladdin moreso, hence Rasoul's jealousy. I don't think Sultan's wrong in his choice to have Aladdin as a primary defender over Rasoul, especially in magical attacks, as I don't think Rasoul would do over well in that situation, but I think it's the way it's said and done that makes Rasoul upset.

3. Do you think he really is as loyal to the sultan as he claims to be?

For the most part, yes. Sure, if finds the Sultan to be a little...dense at times, but who doesn't, really. Laughing But, again, I'm going back to the example of "Armored and Dangerous"- if the Sultan would ever turn extreme or corrupt, Rasoul wouldl betray him to do the right thing. I don't really count that as disloyalty, more...situational loyalty. He's far from blindly loyal.

4. Do you think he was right to follow Jafar's order over Jasmine's in the first movie?

I think he was. I do wonder about how much authority Jasmine had at this point in the series. Was she as powerful as she was in the series, and running Agrabah whenever Sultan went away? Or was it someone else? Was it Jafar? Somehow, I feel that Jafar is more powerful than Jasmine at this point. He's closer to Sultan's ear, he's more seems that Sultan is quite focused on the whole marriage issue with Jasmine...and not much else. Jafar's word could have override Jasmine's on that standpoint, but I also agree with what AG said, to a degree- he wanted to arrest Aladdin for a long time, and finally being able to do it might have pushed him in the wrong direction. I don't see it being the only reason why he'd do it- but as a partial one, it's believable that he would do something that he knows isn't quite right in order to get something he's always wanted (as he does in KoT).

5. Why do you think he tried to drown Prince Ali? (And, no, "because Jafar said so" isn't a good enough reason [or is it? Wink ])

I do think that "because Jafar said so" is part of it,but there would need to be a damn good reason behind it for me to justify it. Jafar would have to tell Rasoul *something* to motivate this- Rasoul just wouldn't attack Ali for the hell of it. Rasoul gets big time enjoyment out of it, so I wonder if Jafar claimed Ali to be a threat to security or something. He might have also manipulated Ali's desires for Jasmine into something more impure that would partially motivate Rasoul (I don't agree with the theory so much, but it might have some potential). Geez, why couldn't they show Rasoul for like a second after Jafar betrayed? It would make life so much easier. Wink

6. Do you still think he will stay in Agrabah once Aladdin is sultan?

I think he will. I believe he respects Aladdin- yeah, he's back to his bitterness in KoT, but he might just be feeling hormonal that day. Laughing There's certain things he doesn't like about Aladdin, but overall, I think he knows that Aladdin is competient and that he has Agrabah's best interests in mind. Besides, Rasoul doesn't seem like the type who likes change, and he might not me motivated to find another job. Wink
Shocked "This cow's been covered with flour!"
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Do you think Rasoul knew/suspected anything about Jafar's plot to overthrow the sultan, and if so, what?
No, he seems to dedeciated to the Sultan. I agree with the above posts.

2. Do you think his jealousy/hatred of Aladdin is at all justified?
In the begining of the movie, yes. He was a criminaly who always got away. That makes resoul look very bad in terms of being captain of he guards. Then in Jafar's return, Aladdin "allies" with Iago, the sultan's enemy, and given Rasul's dedication to the Sultan, Rosul probably is justified in hating aladdin. In addition, there is jealousy because any such disloyality among him or his guards would have probably resulted in them getting fired or worse. Later, in KOT, Rasul is again bitter because of hidden fear. Imagine if someone you tried to arrest, detain, and otherwise make life miserable for, were to suddenly become sultan.

3. Do you think he really is as loyal to the sultan as he claims to be?
Yes, he's seems to be very loyal to the sultan. From the cartoon series that I've read (the transcripts), Rosul always seems to be defending what he thinks is in the best interests of the sultan.

4. Do you think he was right to follow Jafar's order over Jasmine's in the first movie?
Absolutely. We assume Jafar is telling the truth when he says the sultan charged him with keeping peace in Agrabah. And Aladdin is a criminal at the time, Rasul knows this. So in actuallity, Jasmine does have authority over Jafar, but not over the sultan. Since arresting a criminal is keeping peace, arresting Aladdin is an indirect order of the sultan and so Jasmine has no authority over him.

5. Why do you think he tried to drown Prince Ali? (And, no, "because Jafar said so" isn't a good enough reason [or is it? Wink ])
I'd say he was memorized by Jafar's snake staff. The sultan has great interest in Ali because he may win Jasmine's heart and Rosul would probably know this. In addition, killing the prince of another kingdom will probably lead to war and might not be in the best interest of Agrabah and the sultan.

6. Do you still think he will stay in Agrabah once Aladdin is sultan?
Yes, Aladdin seems to not take anything Rosual does to him personally. If he did, Aladdin has the eyes and ears of the princess and to some extent the sultan and could put in bads words for Rasul. He does not.
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aladdin 92
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ALL im gonna say is razule sux, he can hold the worlds longest grudge however if he hadent arrested aladdin aladdin would have never gotten the lamp which means no funny jokes!

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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

AladdinsGenie wrote:
I told my Aladdin-bias butt I'd stay out of this, but I'll try to keep that out as much as possible. I can't make any guarantees, though Wink

But conflict is gooood! It's the annual flame war! Wink

AladdinsGenie wrote:
It doesn't seem like any of the other guards have a huge problem with it other than Rasoul, so there's some back story that I want to know.

That's true; I hadn't thought about that much. They seem to either ignore him, or are slightly annoyed, or just go along with Rasoul (him being their boss and all. Wink )

AladdinsGenie wrote:

I've heard theories that they were under a spell, but that's stretching it.
Where did you see that? Even I wouldn't go to that extreme. Shocked

AladdinsGenie wrote:
I don't really know why he tried to drown him other than Genie made them genuflect to him, so he wanted to get rid of him over that Laughing

"We will never bow to you!" Laughing
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Genie of the Messageboard

Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

aladdin 92 wrote:
ALL im gonna say is razule sux, he can hold the worlds longest grudge however if he hadent arrested aladdin aladdin would have never gotten the lamp which means no funny jokes!


Well, at least someone's got a hang of this flame war idea. Laughing

But I haven't answered any of my own questions! Shocked

1. Do you think Rasoul knew/suspected anything about Jafar's plot to overthrow the sultan, and if so, what?

I think he might have thought something was up with Jafar, but I don't think he had any idea at all that he was plotting to overthrow the sultan. I think he should have suspected. As we find out in "Destiny on Fire", Rasoul knows all the secret passages in the palace, so he must have known about Jafar's secret lab. I can't prove it, but I'll bet he knew Iago could talk. He was probably in a position to hear all kinds of things that should have tipped him off. But the thing about Rasoul is that he sees what he wants to see. (Hey, just because I'm his fangirl doesn't mean I think he's perfect. Wink )
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*points to that third post* Like I said, I am keeping my Aladdin biased butt out of that. Laughing Must. Resist. Urge. To. Say. Something.
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You need to resist the urge? You're on the side of the people who can't spell! Laughing

I know I've seen that username before somewhere...

Hmm, the flamewar happened, but not where I expected. Rolling Eyes
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Calluna wrote:
You need to resist the urge? You're on the side of the people who can't spell! Laughing

And you're on the side of the people who like "Razoul" Laughing

We had a muppetno1fan member around here a while ago, but that may or may not be the same person Confused
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, "Razoul" is a valid spelling. Confused I've seen it in novelizations...
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Magic Carpet

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:12 pm    Post subject: Re: It's that time again... Reply with quote

For answers 1,3,4, and 5, I would say that he is loyal, but perhaps Jafar used his snake staff on him. That way, he could have specified not to listen to Jasmine (Jafar most likely knew that Jasmine was fond of Aladdin by what he saw in his hourglass). But, then again, he didn't seem like he was in a trance when he tried to kill Prince Ali. Maybe Jafar tricked him into thinking Prince Ali was a traitor?

For 6, I'd say yes. Because in that episode with that big dragon thing, Razoul seemed to have accepted the fact that ALaddin would someday become the sultan.

For 2, I'd say yes and no. I mean, how would you feel if someone you could never beat at anything became sultan and married the prettiest woman you've ever seen? However, in a way I'd say no because he needs to get over it. Aladdin stopped trying to trick him and everything and even tried to get along with him after the first movie, right? (save for the time when he broke his dad loose in KoT, but that was for a reasonable cause).

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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:34 pm    Post subject: Re: It's that time again... Reply with quote

Meesh wrote:
Aladdin stopped trying to trick him and everything and even tried to get along with him after the first movie, right?

*hides the opening scene of "Strike Up The Sand" with the royal fruit inspector trick and "Dune Quixote" with the laddle stealing incident*

Yep, he sure did stop tricking Rasoul Laughing

But both times was to help out fellow street rat Sadira from getting in trouble....*ponders that*
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Magic Carpet

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I stand corrected. But they were both for respectable reasons.
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Meesh wrote:
I stand corrected. But they were both for respectable reasons.

And then he proceeds to sit her down and explain that stealing is wrong, and we see how well that works. Laughing Yeah, we've got both ends of the political spectrum represented there... Wink

(*also hides "Raiders of the Lost Shark" and comic #1*)
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