Summary: Carina, Aladdin's mother, has been sent back to earth to be with Cassim. Cassim and Iago are living at the layer of the Forty Thieves. They go off on treasure hunts, and sometimes end up running into one of Aladdin's enemies and end up saving Agrabah or the Seven Deserts! Now the villians don't care about Aladdin! They want to get rid of Cassim, who has humiliated them in ways they thought not to be possible! When Cassim and Carina are reunited Cassim forgets about the villians for a while, but some of the villians are watching. Mozenrath, Saleen, Mechanikles, Abis Mal, and Mirage all team up! They have some very nasty plans instore of the reunited lovers. When Carina is kidnapped one night Cassim gathers up the gang. He, Iago, Carpet, Genie, Abu, Rajah, Jasmine, and crew he has gathered up set sail towards what was thought to be a deserted island where Carina is being held.
Categories: Aladdin Characters: None
Genres: None Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Cassim's Adventures and Quests.
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 2009
Categories: Aladdin Characters: None
Genres: None Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Cassim's Adventures and Quests.
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 2009
Published: 02/06/07 Updated: 02/11/07