Transcription by Heather H.
Edited by and screencaps by Calluna
-young Sultan riding towards plant palace--doors
open magically--lush curtains of greenery draw away-
Young Sultan: Extraordinary!
-there is a harp made of vines--young Sultan approaches it
and strokes its strings--laughs in delight at the sounds it produces--turns
away—sees a blooming pink flower alone, bathed in white
light--shimmering waterfall splashes behind-
Young Sultan: Lovely...
-Sultan reaches out his hands, grasps the flower, and yanks
it out of its bed--strange shrieking sound follows, white light
dims, ground vibrates-
Arbutus: Who trespasses in my garden? -motions over
his creations- My masterpiece?
Young Sultan: I... I... I... -draws sword--sword immediately
whipped out of his grasp-
Arbutus: You are a fool! Your sword may sever
every limb, but my power will always bloom!
Young Sultan: –in Arbutus’ large hand- I’m
sorry! I just wanted to bring a flower to my new bride!
Arbutus: No one shall defile the art of Arbutus and live!
Young Sultan: Release me and you shall be greatly rewarded!
Arbutus: Your reward means nothing to me.
Young Sultan: You have my word! My most precious treasure will
be yours!
Arbutus: Yes -strokes long beard- Perhaps one day your
kingdom could enhance mine... an addition to my garden's beauty.
–releases young Sultan-
Young Sultan: Oh, indeed. Agrabah is rich with wonderful treasure.
Arbutus: Hear me! In twenty summers I shall
come for your most...
-present day-
Sultan: 'Precious treasure', he said.
Jasmine: Oh, Father! What a terrible nightmare!
Sultan: No, no, dearest. I’m afraid it's
all too real. It was twenty years ago from this very day!
Jasmine: Twenty years!
Sultan: And now Arbutus is coming to collect!
Aladdin: Don't worry, Sultan. I’ll guard the royal treasury.
Ha! That monster won't touch a gold flake of your treasure.
Iago: Aladdin, you've been working so hard.
I’ll guard the treasure.
Abu: What?
Aladdin: Sure, Iago... and I’ll have a jackal guard the
royal peacocks while I’m at it.
Iago: Fine. I thought we had a solid trust bond forming here.
Aladdin: Genie, wake up. -rubs lamp-
Genie: -appears in pajamas brushing teeth- I’m
Aladdin: Genie, we have a mission. We're going to protect the
sultan's treasure.
Genie: I am proud to serve! -transforms into a guard, but
holding a giant toothbrush instead of a sword- Uh, first
we'll conquer tooth decay then we'll brush out crime.
Jasmine: See, Father. Everything will be all
Sultan: I suppose so.
-night--outside treasure room-
Iago: -looking at the treasure- So close and yet so
far away!
Genie: Midnight and all is well. -yawns-
Aladdin: Stop that! You'll make me... -yawns- See!
Iago: Hey! Shift's over, monkey. Gimme the key.
Abu: Un-uh! Un-uh!
Iago: Hey! Union rules, hairball! |
Genie: Where is he!? Unhand the royal jewels!
Aladdin: He's not here, Genie. But we have to stay awake.
Genie: -turns into beatniks and starts playing bongo drums-
Genie is one cool cat. Man, that swings!
Aladdin: Genie! Genie!
Genie: Huh? Oh, yes. |
Aladdin: Genie, you'll wake Jasmine and the
Genie: Right! We mustn't wake them from their soothing slumber
in their big, soft, comfy beds. -yawns-
Sultan: -checking in on Jasmine- Sleep
well, Dearest. |
Iago: -singing- Hush
little monkey, don't say a word. Iago's gonna be a very -takes
key from Abu- rich bird!
-Vines begin creeping into Jasmine's bedroom- |
Aladdin: I can barely keep
my eyes open.
Genie: Tell us about it!
Aladdin: No! We have a job to do! The sultan has trusted us to
guard his most precious treasure and that’s what we're gonna
do! Let that plant beast make his move! I’m ready. |
-Sultan having same nightmare-
Arbutus: I shall come for your most precious treasure.
Sultan: -wakes up--reality hits him- Jasmine! |
-Jasmine tries to scream from her room,
the vines cover her mouth-
Sultan: Jasmine!
Genie: Huh?
Aladdin: What?
Genie: Jasmine? |
Aladdin: The most precious treasure!
Sultan: -trying to get in her room- Jasmine! Arbutus
has come for Jasmine!
Aladdin: He won't get her! -tears out his sword--starts chopping-
Genie: Whoa! -pulls Sultan away- Back up! You can't
afford to get any shorter! |
Jasmine: -trapped--struggling to get free-
Father! Aladdin!
Aladdin: Get down! I’ll cut you out!
Sultan: Ahh! Arbutus!
Arbutus: I’m flattered. You remembered.
Sultan: You have haunted my dreams! |
Arbutus: I strive to make an impression.
Sultan: Take any treasure in the kingdom but leave my daughter
Jasmine: Father, look out!
Arbutus: You made a promise! Live by your word or die by it! |
-Aladdin tries to cut him--Arbutus laughing-
Arbutus: Simple boy. Were you not warned? Your blade may sever
every limb, every branch, but my power will always bloom.
-traps Aladdin with vines--roses begin blooming from them-
Arbutus: What can I say? It's function, it's form... It's art. |
Aladdin: -struggles to get free- It's...
Arbutus: We all must suffer for our art, young Aladdin.
Jasmine: Genie!
Genie: Let's say we bust ya outta here! Nothing can stop... Genie,
the killer caterpillar! -starts eating the vines holding Jasmine-
Uh, we're almost there. Jasmine? |
-Arbutus and Jasmine are carried by the
vines out of the window-
Jasmine: Let me go! No! Let go!
Aladdin: Jasmine!
Genie: Nice try, Arbutus..! -trapped-
Aladdin: No! -jumps out of window- Ahh! -Carpet
catches him- Genie! |
Genie: -turns into butterfly- I’m
so... pretty.
Aladdin: Genie, he took Jasmine!
Sultan: I... I know the way to his garden castle!
Iago: Haven't we had enough of vegetation!? |
Aladdin: I've definitely had enough!
-Arbutus and Jasmine arrive in his garden-
Jasmine: Let me... -falls- go!
Arbutus: I was trying to be courteous. |
Jasmine: By stealing me from my home in the
middle of the night?
Arbutus: My methods may be coarse, but the results are stunning.
-a throne made of plants grows out of the ground--vines sprout
out of it, pulling Jasmine toward it-
Jasmine: What do you want? |
Arbutus: Living beauty, and you are that.
Jasmine: You're twisted!
Arbutus: I’m an artist. You should feel honored to be part
of my masterpiece. To join only the most exquisite blossoms be
they delicate, robust, or wild.
Jasmine: What kind of artist has no heart? |
Arbutus: -laughing- A brilliant one!
-looks at throne- Hmm. It needs something. -looks
away- Lilacs! Yes!
-Jasmine escaped--she runs--out of breath--stands by tree-
Arbutus: Look no further, Princess.
-Jasmine gasps--the tree was Arbutus--starts running--vines
sprout out of the ground and catch her- |
Jasmine: Let me go!
Arbutus: You're in my hothouse now, my flower. You won't get
Jasmine: We'll see about that!
Arbutus: Princess! Your impertinence outrages me, and yet...
I feel... so... inspired! -causes a tree to grow out of the
ground- Hmm, my muse can be so irritable. We must work swiftly. |
Jasmine: -whispering to herself- Sorry.
I have other plans!
Arbutus: Perhaps... yes! -adds leaves and flowers to the
-Jasmine tries to climb out of the garden--vines capture
her and bring her back down-
Jasmine: No! Ahh! |
Arbutus: How can you leave me? I’m not
finished yet.
Sultan: Over the hill! There! That's where this
nightmare began.
Abu: Ooooo!
Genie: Wow! |
Iago: So what's the big -sees garden palace-
Aladdin: Carpet, let's go!
Genie: -grabs Sultan- Yeah! Wait up!
Iago: Looks closed. I think I’ll wait outside. -vines
coming closer to him- Ahhh! |
Aladdin: Abu, Genie, come on!
Iago: -panicing- This whole place is out to get us.
How you gonna...
Aladdin: Follow my lead! -slicing open doorway-
Genie: We could just try opening the... door.
Aladdin: -enters- Jasmine! Jasmine! -trips over
a root, crushing the vine harp- This way, guys! |
-Arbutus makes birds land
in his new tree and makes a path of flowers leading to it-
Arbutus: So, Jasmine, care to critique my art now?
Jasmine: -angrily- I think it's... -looks up at
it and gasps- it's beautiful. |
Arbutus: So was my last work but you had to
run away and ruin it! You were an integral part of my design,
you know.
Jasmine: I’m not one of your creations! I’m not a...
Arbutus: A thing!? How typical!
Jasmine: Arbutus, I’m not a flower you can keep in your
garden! I need my family and friends. |
Arbutus: Ah, yes, human needs. Like you need
to hack down my gorgeous trees and chop them into lumber!
Jasmine: It's not that simple!
Arbutus: Indeed! You burn them for warmth creating smoke to block
our life-giving sun!
Jasmine: We don't do that on purpose! |
Arbutus: Is it an accident when you rip and
pluck my flowers, condemning them to a slow death in a vase!?
Jasmine: Slow death?
Arbutus: Your kind! You're all the same! You treat my beautiful,
living creations as things! Why should I treat you any differently?
Jasmine: Arbutus, I... I think I understand. |
Genie: This place is kind
of creepy! -vines creeping- Or should I say creeping!
Uh, uh... -tries to yell-
Aladdin: Genie! -Aladdin trapped-
Sultan: The poor lad! We must free him! |
Iago: By all means, play through! Ya got 'em
on the run now!
-vines go away-
Aladdin: What?
Sultan: My word! |
Genie: -twirling the vines onto a giant
fork- Bonappetito! -eats vines- Not quite a-like
mama's but it'll do.
Aladdin: Thanks, Genie!
Genie: -belches- My pleasure.
Arbutus: Do you truly understand me, Princess?
Or is this some human trick?
Jasmine: We humans appreciate your creations. The beauty of a
flower, the shade from a tree, the joy of planting a seed and
watching it grow. We care.
Arbutus: If only I could believe you. Perhaps I can! After all...
you do bear the name of a flower.
Aladdin: Jasmine! |
Arbutus: Infidels! What an ingenious trap you've
set, Princess!
Jasmine: No!
Aladdin: Don't worry, Jasmine! I’m gonna destroy that monster
if I have to do it leaf by leaf!
Arbutus: You will try, my callow foe! You will try! |
Jasmine: Aladdin! Arbutus! It doesn't have
to be this way!
-Aladdin and Arbutus start fighting-
Jasmine: No!
-Aladdin falls--Carpet catches him-
Aladdin: Thanks, Carpet! -fighting continues- |
Sultan: Don't worry, my dear. Aladdin and Genie
shall vanquish that fiend.
Jasmine: You don't understand! He doesn't understand.
-explains during fight-
Sultan: I never meant any harm! All I did was pick a flower!
Iago: Yeah. I say this guy overreacted. |
Jasmine: Father, that flower meant as much
to Arbutus as I mean to you. This must stop! -Genie falls
by her- Genie! You have to make Aladdin put down his sword!
Iago: Sure, and you’ll wind up with boyfriend on a stick!
Abu: Ew!
Jasmine: Arbutus won't hurt us if we don't hurt him! Genie, please! |
Arbutus: Giving up, boy!?
Aladdin: Never! -brings out his sword-
Genie: Stop!
Aladdin: Huh? Genie, what are you doing? |
Genie: Al, Jasmine says...
Arbutus: Your sword may sever every limb, but my power will always
Aladdin: No it won't! -throws his sword-
-the rose is cut off Arbutus's chest killing him- |
Aladdin: Yes!
-everything in the garden withers and dies-
Sultan: -picks up rose- 'My power will always bloom.'
This was the heart of his power; this frail little flower.
Aladdin: Jasmine, we did it! Jasmine? What? |
Jasmine: Oh, Aladdin. I know you meant to do
the right thing, but Arbutus was not a monster. He was just different.
Iago: Yeah! He was a beast!
Aladdin: Iago! Jasmine, I don't understand.
Jasmine: He loved his garden the way you and Father love me. |
-morning, on a grassy hill-
Jasmine: Sometimes we only see how people are different from
us. But if you look hard enough, you can see how much we’re
all alike.
-they all plant rose--hear Arbutus taking a breath-